2012年1月7日 星期六

EFI 開機碟製作 (UFD)

format UFD to FAT
put shell.efi you build or get from UDK to

rename to:
ia32 arch==>bootia32.efi
x64 arch===>bootx64.efi

another note for edk build command parameter
-a IA32/X64/IPF
-t VS2008/VS2008x86 etc
-p platform descriptor file  etc Nt32Pkg\Nt32Pkg.dsc
-m module  build a specific module in platform descriptor
-n CPU thread number (can speed up build time!)
-j logfile.txt specify the logfile
Build tools default use /conf/tools.def.txt to define used tools.
default tools chain is MYTOOLS which direct to VS2008 which you should manually modify if you are using another tools.
If you are going to build Nt32pkg, since this is a simulator on win32 environment. It will link to some window library. Therefore you should setup building environment to a specific by passing a "--nt32" parameter when running DOS batch file edksetup.bat.

